Last Friday night was the All Austin All Handmade Bash, a celebration of local (& primarily women-owned) creative businesses, which was also the official launch party of
The WonderCraft. Man, was it ever a success! We estimate that we had about 1,000 attendees, and everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves. We made close to $800 for
Austin Dog Rescue, which made everyone very happy. There was local music & food, and a raffle with wonderful prizes from local businesses, to benefit The WonderCraft's
outreach program. I wanted to share a few pics - these were taken by Candace of
Electric Promotions (the creative whirlwind who threw this amazing par-tay) &
Trevor Ray Thompson, who sat up a photo booth inside the bar in front of their awesome, old school beauty shop chairs! You can view more Bash pics on
Electric's Flickr and
Trevor Ray's site.
Inside the "craft cave" where The WonderCraft had a DIY upcycled t-shirt accessories table. Guests could make wrist cuffs, chokers & necklaces. {Intrigued? We have
classes on that!} It was packed in there all night long!
Look what she made! a marvelous "grunge flower" cuff, based on Kim's design. She's also sportin' a lovely pink goodie bag - those were given out to the first 100 guests (who lined up around the block before the party even started!).
And here's the fashionable necklace local blogger Indiana Adams made at the Bash. {Indiana's photo, as seen on her blog,
adored austin}
Team Fabrication was there with models wearing their fab creations.
They DJ, they sew - they're awesome!
More photo booth fun! That's our pal
Anne Marie in the red shirt - she was there with her pretty purses (the best - I custom-ordered one during Austin Fashion Week & I looove it!).
Stay tuned for the next art, music & fashion event from Electric Promotions:
We Make Stuff! The WonderCraft &
EtsyAustin will both be involved in this one. It's coming up on Sept. 19th. I hope you'll join us!