Thursday, May 27, 2010
What's Growin' On: Orange Leopard Print Cannas
Ok, so "Leopard Print" is not the official name of these Cannas, but don't they remind you of some crazy spotted animal? They do for me. I love their bright colors! I also love how little garden bugs are always sneaking into my shots - I was totally unaware of that bug at the bottom right when snapping this.
I just love Cannas so much. They have really pretty striated leaves, often much more colorful than these, with purple & reddish hues. The buds are interesting & pretty enough themselves, and then...
they burst forth with a colorful explosion like this! This bunch behind our pond is the first of our Cannas to bloom, but we have several more varieties in another bed, which we affectionately refer to as Cannanarama. Hopefully I will have pics of those flowers to share soon!
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