Monday, March 8, 2010
What's Growin' On: Agave Pups, Crocus Bulbs & soon, Patio Furniture!
Well, it's a very dark & rainy day here in Austin, so my plans to take pics of our growing-like-weeds wildflowers have been foiled. So instead I'll share a couple of photos from a recent sunny day that we spent gardening.
On that particular day we transplanted a bunch of pups from a big Century Plant that we have next to our driveway. This type of agave is very common in Austin, & you see some humongous ones planted in the front yards of houses in older neighborhoods. For some reason it was popular to plant them right at the edge of the yard, which means that the old, huge ones are often overflowing into the street. Anyone know why they so often planted them in what seems to be such a poor spot for them???
Here's Patrick sitting in front of a giant one in the beautiful Krause Springs garden, just to give you an idea of the scale of them. They can get even bigger than this one!
Anyhoo, we have the one next to our driveway (in a very inconvenient spot), plus a second one at the edge of our yard, which we are not quite happy with either. We plan to dig up both of them & transplant them to very large containers that will go in front of the window of my work room. But that will be another post down the road...
We also planted some Crocus bulbs at the edge of our little pond. Patrick rigged up a DIY filter system & bought some new fish & snails this weekend, too. Plus, we got some really cool planters at Miguel's Imports, so I'll have to take pics of all that when the sun comes out again.
Last pic of the day, our empty patio, for which I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new 4-piece set!
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