I just learned about Etsy Day yesterday, so I don't have any outrageous plans for it or anything. I do think it's a cool idea, though! It's a day to raise awareness about the amazing, worldwide, online marketplace known as Etsy. I'll be checking in with Etsy to see their reports of the best guerilla marketing ideas, and blogging them here if they are supa-cool.
Here's more info from the Storque article about Etsy Day:
To learn more about Etsy Day, check out the latest forum post by Shugirl here.
Here are some ideas from the Etsy Admin:
1. If you get people to sign up for Etsy on Friday make sure they mention your Etsy username in the Referrer Username box at sign up! If we see a user who really rocks this, we'll automatically include you in our Etsy Day follow up post. So if you print out flyers, get on the news, or get Ashton Kutcher to tweet about Etsy, make sure you get your username in there, too!
2. Tweet your endeavors via Twitter and make sure to add the hash tag #EtsyDay. (And send it to @aplusk. Let's get Ashton Kutcher's attention on Etsy Day. Ha! Mr. Most Twitter Followers.)
3. Support a new seller on Etsy Day! Buy an item from someone with no sales (you can find them on Pounce Undiscovered), and wish them a "Happy Etsy Day" in the Message to Seller field when you check out.
4. Print out schugirl's Etsy sign to stick in your car window or download and print out the design Anda made for Etsy Day!
5. Get an Etsy tattoo!
6. Dress your family in all orange. When you get weird looks, whisper "Etsy."
7. One final clarification..."Etsy" is pronounced like "Betsy" with no B.