
Monday, March 29, 2010

What's Growin' On: Wildflower Meadow

I love, love, love wildflowers, with all their delicate shapes & interesting, bright colors.

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I wanted to create a wildflower meadow in a not-yet-landscaped area of our backyard...

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but we couldn't get the crazy, overgrown weed-heap in the back corner where I wanted the wildflowers whipped into shape quickly enough.

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Lucky for us though, we scored several of these giant plastic tubs (used feed buckets) from my dad. So we just planted packets of wildflower seeds in 'em & voila!

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A container wildflower meadow is a great substitute for the real thing. Unfortunately, the bluebonnet seeds were victims of a frost; only one super-strong little plant survived. See him in the otherwise-empty bucket on the right? He's just to the left of that big rock. We don't have an abundant display of bluebonnets like I'd hoped, but the other 2 buckets are overflowing with prettiness!
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